Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besdecon.net to speak to our specialist team
BES Healthcare works with and supports the businesses, institutions, professionals, and services which provide Sterile, Transportation, and Support Services to surgeons and operating theatres.
BES Healthcare, formerly BES Decon a division of BES Rehab Ltd, mainly focuses on the supply and maintenance of washing, disinfection, sterilisation, and waste management equipment into hospitals. BES Healthcare Ltd has been certified by BSI to ISO 9001:2015 under certificate number FS644625.
AquaPhase machines can help Community Equipment Loan Stores and Wheelchair Services wash beds, rails, commodes, wheelchairs, etc.
Make sure that your sterile instruments stay sterile with VacioPak. Proven to eliminate issues relating to rips and tears of wrapped sterile trays.
BES Healthcare provides a refurbishment service to repair damaged or old trolleys and other large metal items, into usable, working units.