Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besdecon.net to speak to our specialist team
BES Healthcare provides a refurbishment service to repair damaged or old trolleys and other large metal items, into usable, working units.
Rather than spending thousands of pounds replacing expensive metal items such as trolleys, sinks, and racking, why not have your existing items repaired for a fraction of the cost?
The equipment refurbishment service can:
Save you costs against the purchasing of new equipment by extending the life cycle of your existing equipment
Reduce adverse incidents associated with damaged equipment
Improve throughput as more equipment will be available
Make efficient use of your space taken up by the storage of old equipment by making the unusable usable
Avoid Litigation by returning damaged equipment to compliance
For more information about the BES Equipment Refurbishment Service, or to request a quotation, contact us on 01179 666 761 or email info@besdecon.net
Save Costs
With NHS budgets getting smaller and smaller, the BES Equipment Refurbishment Service aims to save you costs against the purchasing of new equipment by extending the life of your existing equipment.
Reduce Adverse Incidents
BES aims to solve nuisances such as the adverse incidents associated with old or damaged equipment (i.e. health and safety issues, the knock-on damage to instruments or other equipment), while freeing up the space currently occupied by unused trolleys, making for a more efficient use of space.
Collection and Return Service
To keep things simple for you, we can organize the collection of your old and damaged trolleys and also the return of the refurbished items, delivered to the arranged department.