Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besdecon.net to speak to our specialist team
Did you know?
- The required daily and annual tests are not always being performed
- The EN 865–5 standard advises against using self-sealing pouches
- The sterilisation process may affect the bond of the pouch seal
- Instrument set pouches are not being tested after going through the steriliser
- Adhering to ISO 11607 and EN 865–5 will help you ensure patient safety
- Many sealers in the UK do not meet the previous versions of the standards, let alone the revised versions
Thierry Wagner, medical and pharmaceutical packaging regulations expert, will be expanding on these points and addressing other additions to the packaging standards at the BES Decon two-day Seminar event for Theatres and SSDs.
The overall objective of the event is to help optimise Theatres and SSDs to their full potential. Thierry Wagner will be joined by other industry experts to discuss up-to-date information about standards and processes during this two-day event, which is set to be the most educational of the year.
Click here for the booking form and full agenda.
The seminar days are taking place on 17th and 18th October 2017, at Crowne Plaza Hotel, NEC, Birmingham. For more information call BES on 01179 666 761, or email marketing@bescorporate.net